Lirik Lagu Alika - Perfect Moment

Lirik Lagu Alika - Perfect Moment
Lirik lagu Perfect Moment - Alika merupakan lagu baru 2018 dan ada dalam album Perfect Moment. Lirik dan info lagu Perfect Moment baca disini.

Lirik Lagu Perfect Moment - Alika

Penyanyi : Alika
Judul lagu : Perfect Moment
Pencipta : //
Album : Perfect Moment (2018)

Karis Alika Islamadina atau lebih akrab disapa Alika kembali merilis album baru berjudul Perfect Moment. Album tersesbut dipublikasikannya pada tanggal 20 Maret 2018 di bawah label Dignity Musik Multikreasi. Didalamnya terdapat 10 buah lagu, satu diantaranya memiliki judul yang sama yaitu Perfect Moment.

Lagu tersebut terdapat dalam track ke-8 dari total lagu yang ada. Lagu Perfect Moment terdengar sangat romantis, apalagi lagu tersebut dibuat dalam lirik berbahasa Inggris. Disamping itu, musik yang disuguhkan pun sangat enak dan romantis. Lagu lainn Alika bertajuk Luka.
Lihat juga lirik lagu lainnya : Lirik Lagu Luka - Alika
Berikut ini adalah selengkapnya Lirik Perfect Moment - Alika.

Lirik Lagu Alika - Perfect Moment

Alika - Perfect Moment Lirik


In the perfect moment
You become the perfect one for me
I have see your face before
It’s you
I think about

All alone
I’m waiting
For the perfect one to share my life
I believe that this is big
It’s you
I dreamed about

You are the one for me
You make my world completed
You are the one, You are
You are the one for me
And in the perfect moment
I knew, we aware met to be
You are the one, You are the one for me

All alone
I’m waiting
For the perfect one to share my life
I believe that this is big
It’s you
I dreamed about

You are the one for me
You make my world completed
You are the one, You are
You are the one for me
And in the perfect moment
I knew, we aware met to be
You aer the one, You are the one for me

My life was empty for so long
You swape me of my feet with your heart
And I want falling for the one
You are the one, You are the one
You are the one for me

You are the one for me
(You make my world completed)
You are the one, You are
You are the one for me
And in the perfect moment
I knew we well met to be
You are the one,
You are the one for me

Mungkin Anda tertarik membaca daftar artikel terkait Lirik Lagu Alika - Perfect Moment. Klik: Alika solo indonesia

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